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Renewable Energy/Solar Program

Bangladesh has the potential for developing 4 million biogas plants. In Bangladesh only 3% of the people enjoy the facility of natural gas coming to their homes through pipe lines. The lucky few mostly live in the cities. Most of the Bangladesh’s rural people depend on biomass, crop residues, plant debris, animal dung and wood for fuel creating deforestation, flood, soil erosion etc. Women and children, on whom the burden of collecting fuel falls, suffer the most. They are the worst victims of indoor air pollution such as smokes in the kitchens. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY believes that biogas technology is one of the best means to provide natural gas to the largest number of rural people. It can provide them with pollution free, efficient energy for cooking and at the same time protect them from diseases by giving them a cleaner environment. Biogas technology can be used to implement a sustainable waste management program suitable for rural areas, as wastes of all sorts are transformed into biogas or slurry. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is successful in promoting and constructing domestic sizes biogas plants to rural villagers. Impact on biogas plant owners are positive and demand is increasing day by day. All its clients are enjoying hassle free and pollution free energy for cooking and business activities. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is developed innovative ideas for expanding biogas program.

Bangladesh has the potential for developing 4 million biogas plants. In Bangladesh only 3% of the people enjoy the facility of natural gas coming to their homes through pipe lines. The lucky few mostly live in the cities. Most of the Bangladesh’s rural people depend on biomass, crop residues, plant debris, animal dung and wood for fuel creating deforestation, flood, soil erosion etc. Women and children, on whom the burden of collecting fuel falls, suffer the most. They are the worst victims of indoor air pollution such as smokes in the kitchens. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY believes that biogas technology is one of the best means to provide natural gas to the largest number of rural people. It can provide them with pollution free, efficient energy for cooking and at the same time protect them from diseases by giving them a cleaner environment. Biogas technology can be used to implement a sustainable waste management program suitable for rural areas, as wastes of all sorts are transformed into biogas or slurry. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is successful in promoting and constructing domestic sizes biogas plants to rural villagers. Impact on biogas plant owners are positive and demand is increasing day by day. All its clients are enjoying hassle free and pollution free energy for cooking and business activities. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is developed innovative ideas for expanding biogas program.

Bangladesh has the potential for developing 4 million biogas plants. In Bangladesh only 3% of the people enjoy the facility of natural gas coming to their homes through pipe lines. The lucky few mostly live in the cities. Most of the Bangladesh’s rural people depend on biomass, crop residues, plant debris, animal dung and wood for fuel creating deforestation, flood, soil erosion etc. Women and children, on whom the burden of collecting fuel falls, suffer the most. They are the worst victims of indoor air pollution such as smokes in the kitchens. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY believes that biogas technology is one of the best means to provide natural gas to the largest number of rural people. It can provide them with pollution free, efficient energy for cooking and at the same time protect them from diseases by giving them a cleaner environment. Biogas technology can be used to implement a sustainable waste management program suitable for rural areas, as wastes of all sorts are transformed into biogas or slurry. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is successful in promoting and constructing domestic sizes biogas plants to rural villagers. Impact on biogas plant owners are positive and demand is increasing day by day. All its clients are enjoying hassle free and pollution free energy for cooking and business activities. AVA DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY is developed innovative ideas for expanding biogas program.